

Hostile Environment Surgical and Anaesthetic Training (HEST)

In collaboration between the Palestinian Doctors Association and the David Nott Foundation, we aim to train and qualify more than 100 doctors who wish to contribute to providing relief to our people affected by the ravages of war in the besieged Gaza Strip.
Hostile Environment Surgical and Anaesthetic Training (HEST)
Developed and led by David Nott, this course is designed to enhance the skills of surgeons and anesthetists, better preparing them for the daily challenges they face in war zones and disaster-stricken areas. It also aims to assist doctors traveling to such regions.
The course equips doctors with the necessary skills to make rapid, critical decisions while preserving medical resources. It covers a range of surgical procedures and addresses common emergencies during disasters and wars, characterized by equipment shortages and a high volume of medical cases requiring urgent interventions to save lives.
Given that working in crisis zones often rules out cadaveric teaching, the HEST course relies on practical exercises, including suturing prosthetic organs and blood vessels, as well as demonstrations on our specially designed full-body simulator. We also simulate mass casualty scenarios, training our surgeons in the decision-making skills needed to prioritize patients and save lives.
The course focuses on cases associated with wars and disasters, ranging from gunshot and explosive injuries to violent injuries resulting from building collapses and fires. It also covers post-disaster procedures, including skin flaps and grafts, as well as the management of orthopedic fractures using external fixation and amputation cases.
During the course, doctors learn how to make decisions and manage emergency cases related to obstetrics and childbirth, including postpartum hemorrhage and cesarean sections.
The course spans a full four days, during which doctors can expect to cover the following specialties:
Primary and secondary survey, Damage control,  Ballistics.  Cardiothoracic trauma.  Vascular surgery,  Head and neck trauma,  Paediatric surgery,  Abdominal trauma,  Orthopaedic surgery,  Plastic surgery, Trauma in obstetrics and gynaecology.






Launch of Mobile Medical Clinics and Centres for The Palestinian Doctors Association in Europe to Serve Gaza.

Given the immense destruction caused by the recent aggression on Gaza, with a significant number of hospitals and health centres being destroyed and over 36 centres and hospitals rendered completely out of service, the idea of establishing mobile medical clinics plays a crucial role in providing healthcare services to the displaced. Due to the difficulty of transporting citizens to hospitals and the lack of transportation means, this project is considered a beacon of hope for our people in the besieged region. The mobile medical clinic consists of two doctors, two nurses, a paramedic, and an ambulance driver to provide appropriate treatment for 20 days each month.
This project aims to establish 40 medical points and mobile clinics, offering care to approximately two hundred thousand displaced individuals, with services reaching small communities as needed. The clinics are expected to accommodate nearly four hundred patients per day.
These objectives are designed to address the immediate health needs of displaced communities, aiming to provide essential healthcare services, minimize the risk of disease transmission, and enhance the overall well-being and safety of the displaced population. Additionally, the project aims to showcase its work through informational videos and extend its reach by establishing the Mobile health clinics and medical centres.
The project urgently requires support to provide healthcare and prevent the spread of infectious diseases within the shelter centre, especially in the challenging conditions our people are facing as winter sets in.

Mobile Clinic

Mobile Clinic  








Project Goals:-

Main Objective:

Contribute to improving the health conditions of displaced populations within shelter centers.

Subsidiary Objectives:

  • Ensure the provision of healthcare services to displaced individuals within shelter centers.
  • Prevent the spread of diseases and epidemics.
  • Safeguard the well-being of displaced individuals and alleviate financial burdens.

Produce introductory videos about the mobile clinics and their operations during the first month – Gaza.

The  United Kingdom Clinics


The  Sweden Clinics

The  Turkey Clinics

The  France Clinics


In this context, we affirm that as a collective, we remain fully prepared to meet the health needs of our people, supporting their resilience. We will continue to work and collaborate with international and local institutions for this purpose.




PalMed Academy

 A Step Towards Advancing Healthcare System in Palestine


Introduction to the Project:

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a conducive environment for the widespread adoption of online education. What was once considered secondary has become a crucial element, particularly in fields where certificates and experiences, especially in medical practices, are pivotal. As the pandemic persists, distance learning has emerged as the optimal and essential solution to ensure the continuity of the educational process while safeguarding the well-being of participants and students.
In light of these circumstances, the ideal timing has arrived for the introduction of a Continuous Medical Education Academy. This innovative project does not rely on a physical facility but rather deems the presence of participants, specialists, and an online platform sufficient for its launch and operation. It is considered a milestone and a cornerstone towards the larger vision of establishing physical academic facilities, training halls, and more, all essential components in the field of education and training.


General Objectives of the Academy:

1. Collaborate with universities, medical centers, and research institutions worldwide to organize specialized courses in researcher qualification and the fundamentals of scientific research.
2. Transform research outcomes into investment opportunities, prepare and support relevant studies, and harness medical expertise for investment in various projects.
3. Organize qualification courses for new graduate students in various medical fields, along with continuous medical education courses in Palestine.
4. Facilitate scientific meetings with renowned scholars and specialists from various medical fields.
5. Organize and support specialized medical conferences through planning and participation.
6. Conduct multiple courses using simulation devices (artificial human bodies) to train in various medical strategies.
7. Launch and support a specialized fund to back scientifically beneficial research with medical returns for society and humanity.



Elevate the healthcare system in Palestine by qualifying medical professionals, providing educational solutions, serving the community and humanity, supporting medical education, research, development, and creating projects that bolster investment opportunities in medical fields.

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